The Do’s and Don’t of Homepage Design


Meet Izzy 

You’ve poured your heart and soul into your business. Now it's time for people to connect with your work, but first, they need to see YOU. Let me help you
be SEEN.

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Is your website failing to capture your brand essence and connect with your audience? virtual content creator

Imagine having a homepage that reflects your unique brand, captivates your audience, and effortlessly guides visitors towards your offerings. Picture the confidence and credibility you’ll gain as your website becomes a powerful marketing tool, attracting your dream customers.

Here are my simple Dos and Don’ts on a homepage to make sure your website is making the right first impression. 


🚫 Cluttered Design – Keep it skimmable! Imagine your homepage as a window shoppers’ paradise. Too much clutter, and they’ll walk right by. Aim for a clean, organized layout that guides your visitors’ eyes to the important bits, making it effortless for them to skim through and get what they need.

🚫 Unoptimized Above the Fold – Nail that first impression! Think of your above-the-fold section as your website’s first impression. It’s like a firm handshake – make it count! Use compelling visuals and a crystal-clear call-to-action to instantly engage your visitors and make them want to explore further.

🚫 Lack of Social Proof – Trust me, testimonials matter! Incorporating genuine testimonials or reviews from satisfied clients or customers builds credibility and reassures your visitors that they’re in good hands.

🚫 Ignoring Mobile Users – Let’s not leave phone users behind. Mobile browsing is the new norm.Ensure your homepage design looks and works just as seamlessly on mobile devices, catering to the on-the-go crowd.


✅ Clear Hero Statement – Visitors should know exactly what you’re offering within seconds. Make the first statement on your website crystal clear and enticing.

✅ Engaging Visuals – Images speak louder than words. Use visuals that resonate with your brand and captivate your audience’s attention. Videos are a huge bonus here! 

✅ Easy Navigation – Don’t make your visitors play hide and seek.  Having clear and easy-to-see buttons throughout your homepage makes it easy for viewers to take the next step.

✅ Brand Consistency – Your homepage is your brand’s virtual handshake. Ensure it’s consistent with your overall brand identity, from colors to tone.

Now, here’s the cherry on top: if you’re ready to turn these tips into reality, I’ve got an exciting opportunity just for you.

Have you ever found yourself stuck in the “work in progress” loop with your website, watching potential customers slip away? I’ve been there, and I’ve heard this story from countless clients. The truth is, launching a website can be daunting, but it’s also a crucial step in your business journey.

Introducing the Homepage Launch Accelerator Course – your key to building a homepage you’re not just proud of, but excited about. This course is designed to kick-start your website journey and guide you through the process with confidence:

🌟 Video courses that will hold your hand through building and launching your website homepage. 

🌟 Showit Homepage Template to give you a solid foundation for your website. 

🌟 Website Copy Document that breaks down each section of your website, providing prompts to effortlessly craft your website copy. 

🌟 Showit Tutorials to empower you with the skills to navigate your brand-new website template.

I’ve always believed that the first step in launching a website is just that – starting. And guess what? You’re already on that path! So, if you’re ready to transform your website from a “coming soon” sign to a captivating online space, this course is your gateway.

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Don’t have it all figured out? That’s ok! My process will meet you where you’re at and help translate your ideas & vision into a brand you’ll love.

Results-Driven Design

By blending aesthetics with strategic design, we’ll make sure that your website not only looks amazing, but has a user-friendly layout that increases inquiries.

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