Coming NOW!

Build the website of your dreams hassle free.

Your 'COMING SOON' website  just became 

I have heard over and over from clients that they have struggled to commit to launching a website. Months go by and this "work in progress" website becomes a roadblock in their business. And every day someone lands on your site just to see a coming soon sign is another day you're sending away potential customers.

I believe the first step in launching a website is starting. And look at you, you have already taken that first step! This course will help you to build a homepage you are excited about and then launch it!

  • Video courses that will walk you through building & launching a website homepage
  • Showit Homepage Template to give you a base to build your website
  • Website Copy Document that will guide you through each section of your website with prompts to help you easily write your website copy
  • Showit Tutorials to teach you how to use your new website template


A Complete Course for Female Entrepreneurs Ready to Make an Impact Online


Inside you will find:

Homepage Launch Accelerator: 

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Branding is incredibly important for a podcast, as having an identifiable brand can help to create a sense of trust and familiarity with your listeners. This can help to convert one-off listeners into loyal, repeat listeners.

Once you have built a brand identity for your podcast it's time to create an online home for your podcast community where they can continue to connect with you--A WEBSITE.

A website is a perfect way to let visitors know that your podcast is legitimate. It gives you an opportunity to showcase past episodes and guests, share news and updates, and display reviews and testimonials. 

It also creates a space for you to express yourself in a way that audio cannot. You can use visuals to portray your personality and brand, as well as share your story and philosophy. This can help you create an emotional connection with your listeners and encourage them to become more engaged with your podcast.

I know that can all seem like a lot but I have created this course to walk you through all aspects of building your podcast branding and launching a podcast website! 

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  • Video courses that will walk you through creating a podcast brand, building a website, & launching your website!
  • Podcast Art Canva Template so you can easily create podcast art that will grab your ideal listeners' attention
  • Showit 2-page Podcast Website Template to give you a base to build your website
  • Website Copy Document that will guide you through each section of your website with prompts to help you easily write your website copy
  • Showit Tutorials to teach you how to use your new website template




Inside you will find:

Market Valued at 

The price for you today:

Idea to launch Podcast
Brand & Website design

- that's what I'm all about. 

Bold branding that captures your

passion & personality

Your passion is what drives you, and I'm here to help you make an impact with it. Through bold branding that highlights your personality, we'll create a powerful and effective brand & website that attracts your dream customers.

Ready to have a brand that captures Your passion & purpose?

Start with a FREE adventure call to see if we are a good fit!