How to DIY Branding | Discover your Brand’s Personality


Meet Izzy 

You’ve poured your heart and soul into your business. Now it's time for people to connect with your work, but first, they need to see YOU. Let me help you
be SEEN.

Check out my best website design resource: the Ultimate Website Prep Checklist and Resource Guide. You can grab yours for free now!

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It can be so easy to overthink and overanalyze our branding.

Should I use this shade of purple or this darker shade of purple?
Would my logo look better with this font or with this font? 

Let’s stop overthinking and start by having fun with it!

A great way to get out of your head and start giving your brand an identity is to go to Pinterest and create an “if my brand was a ______ it would be a______” board.


  • If my brand was a food what would it be?
  • If my brand was a place what would it be?
  • If my brand was an outfit what would it be?

And start pinning anything that speaks to you. This exercise will help you establish a personality for your branding. You will start to understand what resonates with your brand and what does not.

Here is my board for an example.

Have fun Pinning!

Send me a DM on Instagram if you have any questions! 

Need Additional Branding Support?

If you’re not ready to fully invest in a brand design but still what some guidance as you DIY your branding then this FREE branding starter guide is perfect for you. 

I created an easy-to-follow document highlighting the steps and resources I use in my branding process in a clear easy to follow document. You will get a guide to follow, a free Canva template, and my most liked mood boards and color palettes you can use to get you started! 


Click here to get my Free Branding Starter Guide and Canva Template

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Three Promises of Izzy Waite Design

Authentically You Branding

Collaborative & Fun Process

Don’t have it all figured out? That’s ok! My process will meet you where you’re at and help translate your ideas & vision into a brand you’ll love.

Results-Driven Design

By blending aesthetics with strategic design, we’ll make sure that your website not only looks amazing, but has a user-friendly layout that increases inquiries.

Ready to have a brand that captures Your passion & purpose?

Start with a free consultation call to see if we are a good fit!