5 tips to write the perfect hero statement for your website!


Meet Izzy 

You’ve poured your heart and soul into your business. Now it's time for people to connect with your work, but first, they need to see YOU. Let me help you
be SEEN.

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We all know that writing a hero statement for your website can be daunting. You want to showcase your unique qualities, ambitions, and values in a way that’s both memorable and meaningful. But without the right guidance, it can be difficult to achieve. Luckily, writing the perfect hero statement doesn’t have to be a challenge. These five tips will help you craft something extraordinary so your community can quickly tell who you are and what value you can offer them. So let’s get started writing the perfect hero statement!

What is a Hero Statement?

The Hero statement is the statement that appears at the top of your website. It is often the first impression a viewer will have of your business. It should clearly state who you are, what you do, and the value you offer.

Here is an example of a great hero statement from a past website design client of mine: Personality-packed copy and content that attracts your ideal customer, tells your story, and is never stale.

You can see Cassie’s hero statement in action here!

Here is my hero statement: Impactful branding & website design that captures your passion & purpose.

You can see my hero statement in action here!

Tips for the perfect hero statement for your website:

● Make it readable—choose a font & size that is easy to read at a glance!

● Answer these questions: Why should a visitor care? How you can help? and what you do?

● Show your personality but above all else keep it clear and direct.

● Use a captivating image or video to make sure the section doesn’t get skipped over!

● Include a call to action button—the goal is to convince someone to work with you, have a clear next step to how they can move forward!

The hero statement is your business’s calling card. It should encapsulate who you are, what you do, and the value you offer. It’s a snapshot of your business that viewers will use to make up their mind, so make sure it’s a good one. Well-crafted words, an eye-catching image, and a clear call to action are all instrumental in making sure your hero statement packs the punch it’s meant to. After all, a captivating hero statement can mean the difference between a visitor staying to learn more about your business, or leaving to go somewhere else. So, craft your hero statement with clarity and purpose and set yourself up for success.

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